Export 345 results:
Dealing with the complexity of evaluating knowledge transfer strategies: Guiding principles for developing valid instruments.
Research Evaluation. 25(1), 62-69.
(2016). Quel impact avons-nous? Vers l'élaboration d'un cadre pour rendre visibles les retombées du transfert des connaissances.
Revue francophone de recherche sur le transfert et l'utilisation des connaissances. 1:2,
From Research to a Web-Based Interactive Tool: Knowledge Transfer Within Social Services Organizations.
(Garlatti, A., & Massaro M., Ed.).Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management (University of Udine, Italy, 3-4 septembre 2015). 359-366.
(2015). Global Impact.
The World Café.
(2015). A Multifaceted Knowledge Translation Strategy Can Increase Compliance with Guideline Recommendations for Mechanical Bowel Preparation.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 19, 39–45.
(2015). A refined compilation of implementation strategies: results from the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) project.
Implement Sci. 10, 21.
(2015). The significance of ‘facilitator as a change agent’–organisational learning culture in aged care home settings.
Journal of clinical nursing. 24(7-8), 961-969.
(2015). The transformation team: an enabling structure for organizational learning in action.
Journal of Community Psychology. 43(6), 760-777.
(2015). World Cafe Method.
The World Café.
(2015). Barriers and facilitators of thromboprophylaxis for medical-surgical intensive care unit patients: A multicenter survey.
Journal of Critical Care. 29, 471.e1–471.e9.
(2014). Coaching to promote professional development in nursing practice.
British Journal of Nursing. 23, 568–573.
(2014). Communities of Practice as a Professional and Organizational Development Strategy in Local Public Health Organizations in Quebec, Canada: An Evaluation Model.
Healthcare Policy. 9, 26.
(2014). Continuous Quality Improvement Program for Hip and Knee Replacement.
American Journal of Medical Quality.
(2014). Data for improvement and clinical excellence: report of an interrupted time series trial of feedback in long-term care.
Implementation science: IS. 9, 161.
(2014). Development and verification of an agent-based model of opinion leadership.
Implementation Science. 9(1),
(2014). Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context.
The Journal of Positive Psychology. 9, 1–18.
(2014). Enablers and inhibitors of learning transfer from theory to practice.
Transfer of learning in organizations. 23–44.
(2014). Eye on the Gemba: Using Student-Created Videos and the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy to Teach Lean Management.
Journal of Education for Business. 89, 310–316.
(2014). Implementing Web 2.0 tools in organisations: feasibility of a systematic approach.
The Learning Organization. 21, 6–25.
(2014). Knowledge brokering in public health: a tale of two studies.
Public health. 128, 533–544.